Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reading slump

So, since I attended law school I stopped reading for pleasure until recently. Around the age of 23 I started to notice my far sighted vision waning. I remember sitting in the back (I always sat in the back near the exit) of a huge lecture class at Cal State and the black board being blurry. I had to actually squint to read the board. Alas, I always had perfect vision! Of course, I ignored it and sat a few rows closer.

I started law school in the fall of '01. If I could describe what law school is like in one word it would be "reading." That is all I did. My eyes would burn so bad from being so strained. In law school all the classrooms had white boards with those magic erasers. I seemed to have even more trouble trying to read them so I had to sit at least in the middle of the class (still near the exit) in order to read the dang board. I finally gave in and got my eyes examined during (I think) my second year of law school. Of course it turned out I needed them and I got these really cute (I thought, anyway) dark blue glasses. At first, I liked the way they looked on me; then I started feeling self conscious and would take them off when I didn't think I needed to see. I got over that when I got too blind. It didn't help my confidence when one of my professors (Con-law ;) pointed out that my glasses were odd. Mind you, this came from a man who resembled Mr. Magoo.

Anyway, back to the subject. So during law school then on to a real job as an attorney my eyes would hurt so bad from reading and staring at the computer that I didn't read for pleasure anymore. I didn't even want to look at a book if I didn't have to. This was sad because I loved to read.

Just last year, my brother (in law) talked me into reading the Harry Potter collection. I started with the first (he insisted) even though I already saw all of the movies. I could not put them down. I was enthralled with them. When I finished the entire set a couple of months ago I was actually depressed about it. He warned me that I would be. I had to find something to fill the Harry Potter void, if you will. I saw Wicked at the theater, so my friend suggested reading the other books by that author. So, if you are familiar with that author, Gregory Maguire you know he basically takes fairy tales and tells the story of the evil doer. So, I opted to read Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, the story of Cinderella. I read it and it was okay; but no Harry Potter.

Now I am reading Fangland. It is a vampire novel. I loved some of the old Anne Rice books so I thought I would try the vampire genre. I must say the book has my attention. I like it. Books can be such a gamble and since I am already more than half way through - soon I will have to search for another book to fill my Harry Potter void.

8 questions and answers about me

The only blog I read religiously is my friend's Jules, Pancakes and French Fries. Today's post tagged everyone to answer a short quiz about themselves, so here it goes.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
This question is the reason I decided to answer this questionnaire. It just so happens, my cousin, Shar found a picture from New Year's 1998. I was 20 and this guy's (now my husband) band was playing a party in Phelan. My best friend was interested in him and so we went. That is all I will say on that subject (;
Also that year, I buried my father, best friend and only family I really knew.
Fall of that year I started as a sophomore at Cal State San Bernardino majoring in Anthropology. Quite a year.

Name 5 things from today's to do list.
Well, I usually do not have a to do list on work days. Um, who am I kidding, I almost never have a to do list. But, if I were to make one
1. Drop off Baley at April's house
2. Redlands courthouse by 9 am to appear on 2 matters
3. Go to bank
4. Read my Fangland novel
5. Do the dishes (ugh!)

Name 5 snacks you enjoy.
1. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate
2. Cashews or pistachios
3. Kettle corn
4. Uncrustables (strawberry)
5. Green chile and cheese tamales from TJ's

Name 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire.
Now, billionaire and millionaire are two entirely different creatures. This would be fun.
1. First I would pay all of my debt
2. Then I would pay all of my family's debt and close friends and (maybe some not so close)
3. I would book a trip to Hawaii so my grandmother can meet my daughter
4. Plan a vacation for family to an undisclosed location
5. Buy a home or several ha ha and buy a grey warmblood already trained through 4th level dressage

Name 5 bad habits.
Now, this one isn't very fun.
1. Pull out hair (literally). Nerves
2. Lack of tact
3. Eat out of boredom
4. Lack of motivation
5. Hold on to grudges

Name 5 places you have traveled.
1. Jamaica, I was 8. Some great memories
2. Hawaii, Oahu - my dad's side of the family lives there
3. Utah - my husband's aunt lives there
4. Oklahoma - dad took me hunting and camping when I was 6ish. More great memories.
5. Yosemite - one of God's wonders

Name 5 jobs you have had.
1. Mucking stalls at horse stable
2. Courtesy clerk (bagger) at Albertsons. Worked with my mom (in-law)
3. Manager at Vet Supply
4. Horse groomer
5. Shoe dept at Mervyns (hated it)

Name 5 bloggers to tag.
1. Elissa
2. Don't know any other bloggers other than Jules (who already did it).